Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Things are going pretty well right now. I have a job interview tomorrow. I previously interviewed there for another job, which they filled already, but the hiring manager has a newly created postion which she thinks I would be perfect for. She wanted me to come in as soon as possible, so hopefully they will make a decision pretty quickly!

On the T front, we had a heart to heart on Monday night. To make a long story short, I am going to stop questioning his intentions and just go with it. He made it pretty clear where I stand with him, and told me that I had to trust him and leave the past in the past, and he had to do the same. So that's what we're going to do, and take things day by day. I don't know what happened to the T I used to know, but I really like this new one a whole hell of a lot better. Oh and it looks like I am not going to have to move anywhere because SOMEONE had a change of heart!

And, being the last day of the month, its PAYDAY!! Woot woot!

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